
I am stable, secure, and safe.

I am alive and existing with ease.

I am rooted and derive energy from within.

I am sustained and nourished by my environment.

I am linked into earth’s natural distribution of power as it binds to the Oneness of Spirit.

I am supported and protected by the surrounding community and a collective space that maintains fairness and honors truth.

I integrate the foundations of my beliefs and filter them through the discernment of my core.

I am immersed in abundance.

I hold a will to generate and create with a lively presence of space.

I am inspired and spurred to activate myself within my reality.

I attract those things towards me that help me thrive.

I allow the vast wisdom of the sky to be grounded here and earthly flesh to be spiritualized.

I know what is housed within my greater awareness and how that sets the tone for being embedded in the moment.


I am open to the expanses of experience, knowledge, and understanding.

My creative energy has the power to manifest.

I embrace pleasure.

I See acts of intimacy as sacred connections of space.

I occupy a vision of play meshed with the inspiration of youth.

I respect and recognize other existing forms of life and act with integrity within those interactions.

I engage consciously by cultivating those relationships that assist my progression and release those that handicap the enhancement of my wellbeing.

I continue to unearth the reflections of my being in the imagery of others.

I am attentive to my boundaries and the boundaries of others.

I am free to unravel.

I connect fully as I navigate the raw nature of Self.

I relate to the world with sensitivity.

I can reflect on emotional patterns and use those insights for spiritual development.

I reveal new depths of Self as I encounter the varying colors and representations of human nature.

Solar plexus:

I am strengthened by each moment no matter how it unfolds.

I allow inner peace to radiate from my core and influence my manner of doing/being.

I view myself and others with gentle and gracious eyes.

I recognize my individual sacred contribution to this particular time and dimensionality.

I seek to bloom and intentionally flourish as I acquire qualities that are satisfying, enriching, and motivating.

I am confident as I move closer to states of Truth and this effect on personal transformation.

I reassess ideas tied to earlier forms of thinking as I progress in manner of thought.

I carry my weaker points of Self with regard and gratitude as I pursue a greater balance.

My personal honor code resides in union with nature and unchains me from the authority any thing, person, situation, or mentality holds over me.

I trust my gut instinct and endorse intuition as my guide.

I fixate my gaze on personal empowerment as I navigate levels of self-fulfillment.

I strive towards a melodic, well-rounded realm of health and wellness.

I am filled with appreciation for the opportunities of experience.

My existence is driven by intrinsic eagerness to express into my reality.

I hold no notions of right and wrong.

I operate with a mindful, nonjudgmental attitude.

I evaluate the maturity of my beliefs and let go of that which is limiting.


I am a channel for divine love and compassion.

I am fueled by personal presence and that which spiritually awakens.

I renewed through transformation and change.

I am aware of how I manage feelings of affection, attachment, desire, and loss.

I pour myself into fostering my values.

I feed into the richness of each successive moment as I open myself to Love in its entirety.

I am a healing presence for myself and others.

I am worthy.

I am forgiving of myself and those around me.

I am called to occupy a servant’s heart.

I convey love with courageous and persistent output.

I seek devotion and mercy as I uncover what the heart desires and where it finds its home.


I freely express my thoughts, feelings, intentions, and personal truths and in ways that are conducive to the spiritual health of others.

I communicate with sureness.

I listen with an open mind.

I surrender to the break down of Self so that my divine form can shine through.

I look towards discernment as I interpret my own perceptions and decipher my reality.

I am here to be both a teacher and a learner.

I search for Truth amidst layers and complexities.

I relinquish my spirit from the jurisdiction of the physical world and seek spiritual directive.

I know that the purity of Truth stems from Love.

When I unite Truth, Love and Will, I am propelled and guided by unlimited potential.

I manage my inner dialogue so that it stems from virtues of the spirit.

Third eye:

I am living my manifested vision.

I project all that I See myself to be.

I am in constant growth towards a more ideal version of myself.

I am reborn in every new moment.

I utilize insight and clarity of mind as I undergo experience.

I find spiritual ecstasy in universal states of Love.

I set intentions of higher awareness so that I may find meaning in this symbolic dance.

I recognize my lessons and how I am involved in the lessons of others.

I am assured in my spirit’s inclination to amend and hopeful in the reorganization of my being.

I am a visual of harmonic intelligence.

I spring forth with fresh vigor daily.

I empower the free, creative thought of others.

I consciously embellish my life experiences with authentic power.

I am a generator of joy.

I am boundless, celestial Love.

I prosper and heal in elated moments when my spirit becomes stronger than my body and my reality responds to the command of my spirit.


I am thoughtfully living with divine purpose.

My mind, body, and soul are synced and in agreement.

I am one with all creation, All that Is.

I reach towards states of transcendental wisdom.

I use spiritual inspiration as a tool in better Knowing myself.

I am a co-creative life force participating in Ultimate Presence.

I occupy the moment as a totality.

I am here to seize and fuel the Greater Force of Life and my creative expression of that as a human being.

I direct myself towards a unity with all embodying forms, layers, and stages of my Self as this life process unravels.

I am the eternal now of life’s urge.

I experience all as light.

I am since before the beginning.

I am the realm that initiates resurrection and ascension.

I am a part of multi-faceted dimensional space.

I am the Spine of the Cosmos.

All past and parallel universes are contained within me.

I am intertwined into the spiral of expansion.

My awareness is intricately weaved into and communicated from infinite flow.

I am the elements of the universe.