Energetic PsychoVibrational Therapy Session
Donation: [1 hour] - $100
Sound Therapy:
Essentially, living entities are composed of complex systems of energies coursing and interacting in a collective fashion. Because everything naturally vibrates in particular formations of resonance, one can utilize sound so that it influences the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of one’s being. Both scientifically and intuitively compiled, these distinct frequencies and combinations of such can be used to activate, calm, stabilize, or dissolve certain energies within the body. In other words, music can assist in forging new rhythms within one’s spirit body. By creating a more harmonious flow withiin the systems of the body, a healthy environment is generated in which functionality and overall vitality are enhanced. Therapy sessions may include music compiled through use of intention, binaural beats, a full frequency range of sounds, tempos set to the breath, or sounds with healing harmonic structures.
“Each celestial body, in fact each and every atom, produces a particular sound on account of its movement, its rhythm or vibration. All these sounds and vibrations form a universal harmony in which each element, which having its own function and character, contributes to the whole.”
-Pythagoras (569-475 BC)
"All things are aggregations of atoms that dance and by their movement produce sound. When the rhythm of the dance changes, the sound it produces also changes. Each atom perpetually sings its song, and the song at every moment creates dense subtle forms."
-Alexandra David-Neel
Chakra Balancing:
Stimulation and harmonization of the main energy centers of the human biofield through use of sound vibration and direct energy manipulation are the objectives of this session. These focal points of energy in the body resonate in distinct fashions and have come to be associated with specific organs, glands, and systems in the physical body. The equilibrium gauged in the chakras' energies not only correlates with and influences physiological health, but also regulates a wide-range of psychological tasks, including modulating facets of personality and subjective understanding of experience. Holding space for these prominent regions within the electromagnetic field can allow for the integration and unification of various unhealed portions of the Self and is especially conducive to healthy living.
Light/Color Therapy (Quantum Resonance):
Gentle and effective magnetic fields pulse the 24-sided vogel cut quartz crystals, delivering energy that one’s field can read and feed off of. The Crystal Lites system uses full spectrum light (UV + infrared), orgone units, scalar energy, and individually mined and crafted crystals to engage and enliven one’s auric form. The orgone holders are mixed with hundreds of crystal chips and over 30 essential oils suspended inside a mix of resin. There are 3 north facing magnets per vogel holder, structuring the energy. An eclectic selection of colors, speeds, and pulsations are available for lighting. The system produces UV LED's that continually cleanse the crystals and impart stimulating UV light through them and towards one’s form. When orgone is active, it creates scalar energy and the quartz can hold and direct that energy. Scalar waves are some of the most important energies worked with since they operate in higher dimensional space. Science has shown us that cellular reaction to UV light is greater than any other waveform of light. When used in a responsible and appropriate way, UV light can increase the response of cellular change on a fundamental level.
Energy Balance Therapy:
Using the principles of energy medicine, we can optimize the body’s natural capacities to heal itself and remain in a balanced condition. Each cell emits and responds to electrochemical signals produced by the psyche in an unimaginably intricate and coordinated manner. Manners of thought, emotion, perspective, and time/space can persuade our manifested reality. As we encounter phenomenon, the physical realm we occupy shapes itself accordingly. If we are to live fully and healthfully, it is important to live in conscious partnership with our body’s energy systems. One of the ultimate approaches here is to clear abnormalities on the subtle-energy level and redirect neural patternings so as to promote healing and develop new habits. This type of therapy combines rational knowledge and intuitive awareness of the energies of the body and in the environment. Techniques range in form and are contingent on existing issue(s). Each session is carried out primarily using the hands to impact the human energy system and focuses specifically on the surrounding and interpenetrating layers and centers that control and nourish assorted spaces of the mind and body. These methods are practiced in a heart-centered, intentional way that assists in achieving and maintaining wellbeing.
“Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie.”
-William Shakespeare
Subconscious Channeling:
A pre-meditated write-up is also fashioned by attuning to the client’s biofield and bringing awareness to those emotional resonances/thought constructs that are primarily contributing to blockages, resistances, physical maladies, and/or misalignments within the individual’s reality. Tarot cards are drawn on behalf of the client for further insight as well.
Color therapy, sacred geometry, sensory feedback, gemstones, orgone pyramids, pendulums, and oils may also be incorporated during a session as needed. Each person is entirely unique in their makeup; therefore, no session will parallel another. Appropriate course of action will be decided based on the intention and condition of the individual.